Rachel Bullock
Brooklyn, NYC USA

“Often, the ideas for my drawings present themselves as the first page of a story. As I work, more angles of the story tell themselves, changing the initial image sometimes quite dramatically. I like these shifts, sometimes subtle, sometimes harsh, as the process then remains alive and not always controllable. It is almost like driving a car but not knowing what the outside of the car looks like, or the back seat, or what might be hidden in the trunk. I have to climb out and about and take a look at the details while still keeping it moving otherwise it just disappears and I lose my initial tangent. With this process in mind, I tend to understand many of my drawings better in retrospect!

I am very proud to have been asked to participate in this auction. I hope my donation supports FhF e.V. in encouraging the women and their children who seek their services to develop their own visions of the future and reflect on their life experiences in a more positive light.”



Wir bedanken uns sehr bei Frau Rachel Bullock

Thank you Rachel Bullock!

Girl and Ginger

silicone intaglio Druck, ungerahmt
ergänzt mit zusätzlichen Kohle- und Collage-Elemente
Auflage 70, Nr. 50/70, signiert, 105 × 64 cm


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